His Forbidden Obsession Novel Synopsis “Is my Seraphina afraid of me?”She pressed her shivering...
The Alpha’s Contract (Neah and Dane) Novel Synopsis “Where the fuck is she?” I hear the...
This novella is the 9th book in the Guardian series, the 5th in the...
This story is the second in the Guardians Next Generation and sixth in the...
To The Moon Goddess and Back Novel Synopsis I wish it was that simple.In...
The Mysterious Wolf Novel Synopsis When my alarm went off, I silenced it quickly....
It’s Too Late To Get A Divorce Novel Synopsis Alita Thompson, a girl from...
When She Stops Playing Nice Novel Synopsis They said she was nothing…Gina Miller was...
Divorced! Now what? Novel Synopsis Today I was meant to work, but I swapped...
Meet My Brothers Novel Synopsis Mia Bowen accidentally marries the heir to an affluent...